Discussion on Next Week’s City Council meeting on Nov. 14


Discussion on Next Week’s City Council:

November 14:

Ceremonial Presentations:

  1. Proclamation Declaring November 13-20 as United Against Hate Week.
  2. Proclamation Declaring November 2022 as Family Court Awareness Month.

Previously Discussed: 

  1. None.

New Items: 

  1. Report on the Use of the Temporary Day-Use Impound Yard. Recommended Action: Receive and file a report on the use of the Temporary Day-Use Impound Yard.
  2. Rejection of Bids for the PCH Median Improvements Project. Recommended Action: Reject all bids received for the PCH Median Improvements Project, Specification 2049 and direct staff to develop design alternatives to lower construction costs.
  3. Acceptance of Michael Landon Center HVAC Unit Replacement. Recommended Action: 1) Accept the work performed by AC Pros Inc. for the Michael Landon Center HVAC Unit Replacement Project, Specification No. 2095 as complete; and 2) Authorize the Public Works Director to submit for recordation a Notice of Completion.
  4. Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with Quinto Consulting, LP for City Treasurer Services.Recommended Action: Authorize the Mayor to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Quinto Consulting, LP for City Treasurer services
  5. Jake Kuredjian Citizenship Award. Recommended Action: At the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission, approve the nomination of Richard Lawson and Judy Villablanca as the recipients of the 2022 Jake Kuredjian Citizenship Award.
  6. Resolution Extending the Declaration of the Existence of a Local Emergency and Continuing a Program for Reducing the Risk of Fires Associated with Individuals Living Unhoused and Otherwise Engaged in Unpermitted and Unregulated Camping. Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 22-45 extending the declaration of the existence of a local emergency and continuing a program for reducing the risk of fires associated with individuals living unhoused and otherwise engaged in unpermitted and unregulated camping.

Ordinances and Public Hearings

  1. Appeal No. 21-011 – Appeal of Planning Commission Resolution No. 21-53 (23325 Malibu Colony Drive; Owner, Axel 23324, LLC; Appellant, Judith Israel) (Continued from October 24, 2022). Recommended Action: Continue this item to the November 28, 2022 Regular City Council meeting.

Old Business: 

  1. None.

New Business:

  1. Malibu Library Set Aside Funds for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 (Continued from October 24, 2022).
  2. Agreement with Super League Triathlon. Recommended Action: Consider authorizing the City Manager to execute a five-year Agreement with Super League Triathlon Inc. to host the Malibu Triathlon through September 2027; or Appoint an Ad-hoc committee consisting of no more than two council members and staff to review the City’s Road Race Policy and the proposed agreement and return to City Council with a recommendation.
  3. Letter of Support for Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority Property Acquisition. Recommended Action: Consider directing the Mayor to send a letter to the City’s current and incoming State representatives and the California Wildlife Conservation Board in support of the Mountains Recreation & Conservation Authority acquiring properties currently available in three locations throughout Malibu and the adjacent Los Angeles County unincorporated area for the purpose of conservation.
  4. Advocates for Malibu Public Schools Fee Waiver. Recommended Action: Consider whether to approve the request from the Advocates for Malibu Public Schools to waive facility use fees and staffing costs for a retirement celebration of Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District Board Member Craig Foster at Malibu City Hall.
  5. Community Christmas Tree Lot Fee Waiver. Recommended Action: Consider whether to approve the request from the Malibu High School Athletic Booster Club to waive the facility use and staffing fees for the Ioki Property for the Annual Community Christmas Tree Lot. 

Council Items:

  1. Proposed 2023 Calendar of City Council Meetings. Recommended Action: Approve the proposed 2023 Calendar of City Council meetings.

To view the full City Council Agenda, visit malibucity.org/virtualmeetings.